Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful For Our Abnormal Normal Life

Since we are just hours away from Thanksgiving 2013, I wanted to share thankful thoughts in being Cody's mom.

I'm thankful for the countless smiles and laughs. The more that I am around Cody and others with profound disabilities, I'm struck with the pure joy that is exhibited. There is an authenticity in their love, happiness, and a contentment in the present with little regard for the worries of tomorrow. I would love to emulate any or all of these more in my own life!
Here's an example in the fun that is Cody. I showed him how to take a "selfie." You don't have to be verbal to communicate FUN!

I'm thankful for the peaceful moments. Having experienced trauma from the beginning with Cody and subsequent medical issues along the way, it makes me even more mindful and appreciative of the peaceful moments in life. I don't think I really relished in those times before. It is a gift.

I'm thankful for a sense of humor. An example is one day after a tough doctor's appointment, Cody and I went to one of his favorite fast food restaurants. A young boy came up and pointed and asked, "What happened to him?" I typically welcome those inquisitive questions but that moment wasn't a good time for me. I answered, "skiing accident." The boy seemed satisfied and walked away. Cody and I both laughed. Do I feel bad? yes, slightly but I know God understands.

I'm thankful for all the fabulous people we have met along the way that we may not have met otherwise. We've come in contact with therapists, teachers, specialists, doctors, other parents of special needs children, children and adults with disabilities, etc... Many of these folks have enriched our lives greatly.

There are countless others that I could list here but most importantly, I'm thankful for every moment as Cody's mom.

Cody allowed me to get in one of his selfies.

Happy Thanksgiving to all! The longer I live the more I realize that it's more than a historical holiday but an opportunity to remind me that thankfulness should be a mentality, a way of life.

Cody and his dad at a recent family get together. Scott was helping him stretch his legs. P.S. Go Heels!

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